From functional tests to unit tests


Sometimes I run into tests that look like unit tests, but are really functional, integration, or smoke tests instead. An example of what that might look like is below. I'm using pseudocode to avoid messing with auth and such:

class TwitterService
    public function getUser($screenName)
        $response = file_get_contents('' . $screenName);
        return json_decode($response);

Then the test case would be something like this:

class TwitterServiceTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
    $protected $object;

    public function setUp()
        $this->object = new TwitterService();

    public function testTwitterUserShowReturnsName()
        $user = $this->object->getUser('rsarver');
        $this->assertAttributeExists('name', $user);
        $this->assertAttributeEquals('Ryan Sarver', 'name', $user);

So at first glance this may seem like a reasonable test, but this is not a true unit test because it relies on an external service. What would happen if the Twitter API was down? Your test would fail, through no fault of your own code. I ran into this a few months back with a test that was calling a service internal to our network that happened to be down for maintenance. In addition, this type of test adds extra latency to your test run because you have to wait for an HTTP call to return. If your tests are slow, people won't run them.

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Tags: php, phpunit, oop

OOP Training slides on Slideshare


While I was working for the University of Kansas, we had monthly web developer training sessions. Since the slide decks were already made I figured I might as well put them up on Slideshare for general consumption. If there's interest I'll see if I can get a more detailed transcription of my notes or possibly even the audio for the later versions if KU will give me the rights to post it. The first set of slides is a two-day (really two afternoon) workshop on Object-Oriented Programming in PHP that I gave in the summer of 2010. If you have any questions about the content or want more detail on anything, feel free to contact me. Thanks! * Part 1: * Part 2:

Tags: slides, php, oop